6 months - Results to Date

by 09:52 0 comments
I don't think i've ever mentioned monetary amounts whilst writing a blog on here. I've always talked in percentages as a means to highlighting winning and losing trades. Today i'm going to use monetary values.

My initial starting balance on the 1st of January was €5000. I believe I mention in the About Me section that this wasn't the first time I had traded. Before opening this account I had dabbled over the previous two summers in between college semesters. We used my Dad's account on both occasions and topped it up at the start of each summer. The amounts were small enough, somewhere between €500 and €700 at most. On both occasions i'd say we lost somewhere between 20% and 30%. So losses aren't new to me anyway!

Anyway, i've had a good mixture of highs and lows this year;

At best my account was up 13.51% at €5675.74 on the 30th May
At worst my account was down 3% at €4850.07 on the 7th January
Currently my account sits at €5027.56 on the 3rd July

So you can see the affect June had on my account.

I've updated the pie charts over at the Live Trading Results section. This details my wins / losses and break even trades to date.



P.S. The discrepancies between the amount of trades in the pie charts (63) and the trade numbers on the blog (58) accounts for a trading week where I was using trigger numbers for the first time. Trading micro amounts. I didn't count these as full trades so didn't number them as such on the blog.



28. Forex. Trading. Music. Beer. Food. Travel.


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