Catch Up, March and Q1

by 18:26 0 comments
This is probably the longest i've gone without an entry this year. I flew over to the UK at the end of last week to spend Easter with family. I hope everyone had a good Easter break!

So where are we as of this evening?

The sell I posted about in the last entry was the last trade I took in March, Tuesday 31st was flat. 

So I finished March with a 2.62% gain. Whilst a profit is great, i've mixed feelings about it as the last couple of weeks were tough and ate into the 5.42% that I did have at one stage. Main thing to take from the month is to have a bit more focus and concentrate on the rule set that I have in place.

The overall gain for Q1 was 8.52%. Overall gain from the low on the 9th January was 14.7%.

As Google are soon to discontinue their chart api i've recently made the switch to a website called Highcharts which provides free charts so long as they're for personal use like this. Here are some simple charts for Q1. As well as this, i've updated all the charts in the Results tab above.

Percentage charts can be seen at the Myfxbook link on the left.



28. Forex. Trading. Music. Beer. Food. Travel.


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